cori marquis
+ the nines [IX]

2015 | 40 min
This work explores the profane mess involved in being human—our thoughts, our actions, our bodily functions. It's likely that my mess looks a lot like yours.
“The Greeks used to put a lot of bodily functions in their plays, and a lot of graphic sexual material, because they believed, that in performing that way it released the demons of shame from the audience, which is what I believe. Cuz I think we’re all pretty much the same, and we all have grown up with that shame-based thing that America deals with, right? And to sit there and hear someone talk about their love of having sex, whatever, makes you feel like you’re not alone, with what you think maybe are dark, twisted thoughts, cuz they’re not. We all share these thoughts. So that’s why I talk like I do, or did, before I retired tonight.”
- Bill Hicks
"The fact is that you and I have had such bad early training that the worst sound in the world to all of us is when the toilet flush noise finishes before you do. I never could go over to your house and say:
'Excuse me, where's the toilet?'
I have to get hung up with the facade of:
'Where's the little boys room?'
'Oh, you mean the tinkle-dinkle, ha-ha room?
'Where they have just sashays and cough drops
and pastels?'
'Yeah. I wanna shit in the cough drop box!'
'Oh, awright.'
- Lenny Bruce
"Embrace the glorious mess that you are." - Elizabeth Gilbert
Performers: Alexander Dones, Cori Marquis, Donnell Oakley, Jordan Risdon
Music: Muzak, TV on the Radio, Azealia Banks, Basement Jaxx, Lykke Li
Film: Scott Nelson and Cori Marquis
Created as part of the Bessie Shonberg Mentorship Residency 2014 at The Yard on Martha’s Vineyard, under Artistic Director David White and mentor David Brick.
FOLLIES: Women Dance the Comic, The Yard [Martha's Vineyard, MA] July 16 - 18, 2015
WORLD PREMIERE Triskelion Arts Presents, Muriel Schulman Theater [NYC] March 29, 2015
Bessie Shonberg Mentorship Residency 2014 Showing, The Yard [Martha's Vineyard, MA] June 13 & 14, 2014
Preview: Dance Shows How 'Messy and Scary' Things Can Get with #nofilter - Lindsey Smith, Bedford+Bowery
"Ms. Marquis lightheartedly describes her work as a 'profane mess.' She uses improvisation as a keystone of some of her pieces, drawing on the vibes of the exact moment for inspiration." - Meg Robbins, Vineyard Gazette